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I don't know what to write. I just know that I want to work on my writing. Can you help? Congratulations: you've taken the first step. I can help you with the rest. Working together, we can identify your current strengths and the areas that you want to focus on. I can also work with you on choosing and developing your next writing project, and on finding ways to get your writing out into the world.

My problem is that I get stuck. I don't know how to begin a new piece of writing, or I start and then run out of ideas. Can you help?
Yes. All writers, believe it or not, suffer from writer's block at some time or other. I can give you exercises designed to "jump start" the creative process. I can also work with you on identifying the causes of your writer's block and finding ways to work around it.

What sort of writing should I send you?
It can be anything that you are working on and want help with: a cover letter, a short story, an essay or article, a poem or group of poems, a love letter, a report, a family memoir, a speech or presentation, a fundraising letter, a brochure or advertisement, a cook book, a manual, a thesis or dissertation, a screenplay, a novel, a book of nonfiction, a collection of poetry. For longer projects that involve copyediting, it is usually best to start by sending me what you think is your best sample chapter and your worst one. This should give me a good sense of where your manuscript is and how I can help you. I may also ask for a brief outline or projected table of contents, if you have one.

Do I have to send you a long piece of writing?
No. No project is too large or too small.

The problem I have is how to make time for writing in my busy life. What do I do? Everyone's life is so busy these days! And so many things in life are such high priority. I know writing is a priority to you, or you probably wouldn't be reading this. I can work with you on making time for your writing, organizing your work space, prioritizing the other competing demands on your time, finding strategies to "fit it all in" (and to learn when to say no or let go), and identifying the things that get in the way of "quality time" for writing. We can also use our session time for "live" writing and one-on-one feedback and support, if you like.

I've never been a very good writer. Can you help me get better?

Yes, though you should keep in mind that writing is a skill, and getting better at any skill is not an overnight process. So long as you are willing to invest the time and effort that it takes, I can help you become a better writer.

How long are sessions?
I schedule coaching and tutoring clients for a minimum of one hour per session after the initial free consultation. Currently I'm offering a special introductory rate for new clients. Contact me for details.

Can I schedule sessions longer than one hour?
Absolutely. Sessions can be pro-rated in 15-minute blocks after the first hour.

I'd love to work on my writing, but I don't know if I can afford your services.
I accept a limited number of clients on a sliding scale basis. Contact me for information.

I'm interested in copyediting or proofreading, but I have a very small project. Do I have to pay a one-hour minimum?
No. There is no minimum charge for editorial services, though for very small projects I may require 100 percent deposit in advance. Contact me for a rate quote.